Selected IRS Training Materials now on

As part of our efforts to make this website even more useful to subscribers, we recently moved to the website IRS EO training materials for 2008 and 2009 (click “IRS Training Materials” under “Topics”). Below I have listed the EO training materials by modules. These IRS training materials are not available on the IRS website and, short of a lengthy and expensive FOIA request, are not available to EO practitioners.

The items listed under “Examinations CPE Materials” are directed to new revenue agents and hence of limited interest to experienced EO practitioners. Much of the information in these training materials is taken from the Code, Regulations, and Internal Revenue Manual, which you can access on irs. gov. However, practitioners new to the EO field may find these materials more user friendly and helpful in developing an understanding of basic concepts..

Experienced EO practitioners should find of more interest materials listed under “Miscellaneous Topics.” For example, I think anyone with a college or university client currently undergoing or concerned about an IRS audit will find of interest the IRS materials under “Colleges and Universities” since it provides a roadmap of IRS concerns. Similarly if you are involved in a gaming audit. Go To